Our aim is to empower professionals in the NDIS and disability sector with knowledge and practical skills. With our experience in the field, we've developed a range of training packages designed to build your expertise and impact.
Our courses include:
Understanding Complex Communication: Build your understanding of how to support people who have difficulty communicating using speech alone. We explore how and why we communicate and learn a range of augmentative and alternative (AAC) strategies and communication partner strategies.
Mealtime Management in Disability: Gain insights into best practices for managing mealtime routines, understand the IDDSI framework, and communication strategies to ensure a positive dining experience.
Trauma and the Impact on Communication: Explore the effects of trauma on communication and develop skills to support and engage with people who have experienced trauma.
Meaningful Engagement and Connection: Understand how to use communication strategies to support people to engage in activities they enjoy and connect with people.